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Our mission is to make consumer and business e-cycling more efficient, effective, and economical.

Dandyful Improves...

E-waste Impact

We help keep IT assets and hardware away from landfills.

Value Recovery

Instead of paying to recycle, get paid for your hardware.

Data Security

All devices sent to Dandyful are stripped of any and all information.

Carbon Footprint

Dandyful and its operations have been carbon neutral since inception.


Reduce the burden of old assets by allowing us to process them for you.

Upgrade Efficiency

We help prevent old hardware from slowing you down.

Dandyful's Core Services

Business Solutions

Are you a business that has upgraded to new hardware recently, has unused IT infrastructure, or is looking to reduce their e-waste impact? See if we'll pay you for old assets.

Get a Bulk Quote

Only 17%

Of global e-waste is properly processed.

Up To $50,000

In fines stemming from improper data recycling.

15 Pounds

of electronic "waste" with residual value is generated per person on average each year.

Over 50%

Of Americans are unfamiliar with their e-waste impact and how to properly upcycle hardware.

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We are here to answer.

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